Men's Focus

Men's Focus Community Ministry

Men's Ministry in Action is a fellowship group of men in our community started under the leadership of our belated Pastor Jimmy Young. Under the leadership of our current Pastor, Chauncey M. Hardy, the vision continues and has been expanded. Men from community churches meet on the 1st Saturday of each month to fellowship, study God's word, and perform various service projects in our local community.

Members include:

Pastor Chauncey Hardy

Brother Damin Dozier

Deacon Ricky Parker

Brother Alton Dozier

Deacon Billy Johnson

Brother Wayne Howard

Deacon George Stewart

Brother Melvin Worthington

Deacon Anthony Jackson

Brother Matthew Diggs, III
Brother John Young

Reverend Gregory Tolbert

Deacon Ron Carr

Deacon Taylor Green

Deacon Wiley Dean

Brother Sam Howard

Brother David Howard

Brother Pete Walker

Deacon Don McCoy

Brother Louis McCoy

Brother Clyde Bowens

Brother Curling Brinson

Brother KiKi Cooper

Brother Thomenthian Williams